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Global Urban History Project

HomeMember Benefits

GUHP is a Member-Supported Organization!

Beginning in 2019, the Global Urban History Project turned to its members for support by charging a modest fee for new and continuing membership. For those who are so inclined, the Project also appreciates additional annual donations, most notably to support GUHP’s Travel Award program and its new Mentorship Program.

All GUHP members, regardless of your current enrollment date, will receive annual messages asking you to renew your membership in the New Year and pay a fee based on your own assessment of your budget.

Your membership fees will help support GUHP’s mission in the following ways:

Build a fund to support our Travel Award Program that allows early-career scholars and scholars from under-represented or under-resourced scholarly institutions to attend GUHP-sponsored events.

Provide small stipends to early-career scholars selected as Participants in the Mentorship Program.

Support an expansion of GUHP’s on-line publications such as “Noteworthy in Global Urban History” and the Global Urban History blog, as well as explore other venues for promoting work and delivering new ideas in the field to members and beyond.

Organize GUHP events independently and in collaboration with other organizations.

Work toward a goal of holding events on all inhabited continents of the world when this becomes possible.

Help pay for an expanding, updatable, and searchable inventory of citations and personal profiles of members on the GUHP website.

Going forward, GUHP will remain a “Project” rather than a traditional “Association,” allowing us to be flexible and improvisational in the events we organize. While we may host larger, convention-style conferences as opportunities arise (such as the collaboration with the World History Association and the Centre for Urban History at the University of Leicester in the summer of 2019), GUHP will not commit to a fixed rotation of such events. Instead, we will schedule or co-sponsor events of various sizes and formats both on our own and in collaboration. In scheduling these events, we will take the dates of allied organization’s meetings into account.

In 2019, we will appeal to members to consider curating GUHP-sponsored panels--or series of panels--at other conferences that they attend regularly and that may benefit from GUH-related discussions.

Under the new system, GUHP will require members to renew their membership annually in order to attend GUHP conferences. Those who do renew will become Full Members, entitled to vote in future GUHP elections, to join the Board of Directors and the International Advisory Committee.

To sustain GUHP’s growing on-line inventory of scholarship in the field, no one who has uploaded a profile under the free system of 2017-18 will be dropped from the website. Non-renewing scholars with profiles already on the GUHP site will become “Associate Members.” Associate Members will need to become Full Members in order to participate in conferences or participate in Project elections and leadership.

When renewing or signing up for the first time, members will have the following options:

Full Member, incomes above equivalent of US$ 70K -- $50
Full Member, incomes equivalent to US$ 40K-70K -- $35
Full Membership for incomes below equivalent of US$ 40K -- $10
I want to be a Full Member but simply cannot afford payment now -- free

Finally, as you update your membership you will be given the chance to make an additional donation. We hope you will consider this option seriously as a way to help GUHP support global urban history research worldwide