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Global Urban History Project

HomeGUHP/IPHS Yokohama

GUHP-Sponsored Panels and Meetings at the Biannual Conference of the International Planning History Society (IPHS)
Yokohama, Japan, July 16-18, 2018

MONDAY July 16

Room 6, 10 am (note changed time):
GUHP Organizing Meeting.

All GUHP members and GUHP-Sponsored Panelists are Encouraged to Attend

Room 6 Session 1 (11:15AM-1:00PM)
Panel 7. Planning Community without Planners

Chair: Nancy Kwak

Guangzhi Huang
Astute Planners: How Urban Villagers in Guangzhou Converted Their Neighborhood into an African Market

Mohd Aquil
Indigenous Civics: Indigenous Elites and the shaping of Allahabad city in colonial India

Heide Imai
Urban Ordinaries - Vernacular Landscapes as Places of Diversity, Difference and Displacement

Li Hou, Guanning Zhao, Jihuan Li, Xin Kai, Xufeng Qiu and Kaiping Zhang
The Paradox of Community Planning in Shanghai Quyang New Village: providing better service space in a formally micro-rayon in three decades

Room 7 Session 2 (2:00PM-3:45PM)

Panel 11. Between Empires and Nations: Urban Change in Twentieth Century China and Taiwan

Chair: Christian Hess

Toby Lincoln
Postwar Urban Reconstruction in China, 1938 - 1958

Koji Hirata
Building a Socialist Industrial City: Factory, City, and Countryside in Mao's China

Liza Wing Man Kam
From Shinto Shrines to Martyr Temples and others: ‘Religious’ Space, Rituals and their shifting political Symbolism as Enunciation of Power(s) in Taiwan since the Post-war Era

Xiaogeng Ren, Baihao Li and Diwen Shi
Western Imitation in modern China's urban planning practice between the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China

Room 6 Session 2 (2:00PM-3:45PM)

Panel 8. The Global Petroleumscape in East Asia (East Asian Petroleumscapes (Part 1))

Chair: Carola Hein

Ben De Vries
The Battle For Oil in the Dutch East Indies: Plaju, the pearl in the crown of the Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij in the turmoil of the 1940s

Li Hou
Production First, Livelihood Second: the Life and Death of Worker-Peasant Villages in a Chinese Oil Field

Penglin Zhu
The Daqing Oil Cluster: From petroleum hub to sustainable future

Room 6 Session 3 (4:00PM-5:45PM)

Panel 9. At the crossroads of oil flows and international planning exchanges (East Asian Petroleumscapes (Part 2))

Chair: Rezvan (Rose) Sarkhosh

Stephen Ramos
Oil’s Quiet on the Western Front: Planning the Persian Corridor

Carola Hein
The Global Petroleumscape, Spatial and Represented: A Tool for Understanding Planning Practice

Rezvan Sarkhosh
Shaping Ahvaz' transnational oil modernity; at the crossroads of oil flows and international planning exchanges

Mohamad Sedighi and Elmira Jafari
Localizing Transnational Architectural and Urban Ideas in Iran’s Oil boom Era



Lecture Hall, Session 4 (9:15AM-11:00AM)

Panel 25. Adaptation and Resiliency of Socialist Planning in Transitional Economies: China, Hungary, Poland, and Russia

Chair: Li Hou

Panel Co-Sponsored by the Global Urban History Project
Daniel Kiss
The ‘socialist post-socialist’: Urban planning in Hungary during the first two decades following its 1989 regime change

Piotr Bujas, Alicja Gzowska, Łukasz Stanek and Li Hou
Planning Transition Beyond Socialism: From Poland to China and Back

Zhendong Luo and Biyao Zhu
Local Adjustment with Path-dependence: the Governance Structure Shift and Spatial Responding in Chinese Third-front City since 1980s

Fedor Kudryavtsev and Li Hou
Sotsgorod (Socialistic city) of Today and Tomorrow: Soviet Legacy in Common Trends and Challenges of Contemporary Urban Development and Planning in China and Russia.

Room 6 Session 4 (9:15AM-11:00AM)

Panel 37. The Global History of Urban Renewal

Chair: Sujin Eom

Panel Co-Sponsored by the Global Urban History Project
Dorothy Tang

Thousand-Hectare Metropolitan Playground: Visions for Johannesburg’s Gold Mining Belt
Meng-Tsun Su

Imagining a Meshwork of Urban Nature – Lawrence Halprin and Panhandle Parkway in the San Francisco
Jiewon Song

Contesting Urban Authenticity on a Global Scale: Heritage, Regeneration and Redevelopment in Singapore and Tokyo
Yeung Yeung Fok

Remaking Hong Kong Heritage and Identity: Post-Colonial Urban Renewal Planning and Heritage Policy Agenda

Room 6 Session 5 (11:15AM-1:00PM)

Panel 38. Historicizing the Global City

Chair: Sebastian Schmidt Comment: Carl Nightingale

Beate Loeffler
How to create a global city? Tokyo’s modern development (1860-1930) as a possible case of reference.

Guadalupe Garcia
An Early Modern Caribbean: Havana

Akihiro Kashima
A Viewpoint of "Diversity Creation" in the Planning History Research: Another Interpretation of Urban Planning Technique in the Spanish Colonial Period

Room 6 Session 6 (2:45PM-4:30PM)

Panel 39. Global Cities, Urban Space, Ethnic Mobility and Intercultural Integration

Chair: Weiliang Zhang

Weifang Lu
Social Housing and the Emerging of Greater London: the Case of Becontree Estate

Weiliang Zhang
The Chinese people were imagined in the eighteenth century London: on the study of Oliver Goldsmith’s “Citizen of the World or letters from a Chinese philosopher, residing in London, to his friends in the east”

Ming Zhu
Milan-Madrid-Mexico: Global Urban network and cities in Spanish Empire


Room 6 Session 7 (9:15AM-11:00AM)

Panel 58. Planning History and Megaevents: Part 1, Planning, Design and Event Spaces

Chairs: John R. Gold and Margaret Gold

Jennifer Minner and Martin Abbott
How Urban Spaces Remember: Memory and Transformation at Two Expo Sites

John Gold and Margaret Gold
Pestilence, toxicity and all the fun of the fair: brownfield sites and mega-event spaces
Sergio Fagerlande

Tourism in the slums of Rio de Janeiro: An analysis of the urban impacts in informal areas caused by recent public interventions for the big sports events hosted by the city
Fabiana Izaga, Sérgio Fagerlande and Rachel Coutinho Marques Da Silva

Porous boundaries in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas: Community based initiatives, urban mobility infrastructure, tourism and environmental issues in the urbanization of fringes as a socio-spatial means to reconcile the favela with the city

Room 6 Session 8 (11:15AM-1:00PM)

Panel 59. Planning History and Megaevents: Part 2, Olympic Legacy

Chairs: John Gold and Margaret Gold

Tomoko Tamari
Star Architects, Urban Spectacles and the Global City: Exploring the Case of the Tokyo Olympics 2020

Anne-Marie Broudehoux
Extraterritoriality in the Olympic City of Exception: The Case of Rio de Janeiro 2014-2016

Juliet Davis
Obsolescence and Transformability in London’s 2012 Olympic Site

Lecture Hall Session 9 (2:00PM-3:45PM)

Panel 56. Western Planning in Asian Treaty Ports

Chairs:Carola Hein and Yanchen Sun

Hang Lin
Western Modernity Interwoven with Chinese Traditions: Lives and Identities of an Emerging Cosmopolitan Society in Late Nineteenth Century Shanghai

Jessa Dahl
From Entrepot to Treaty Port: Nagasaki’s Networks of Transnational Exchange and the Nineteenth Century Global Order, 1859-1899

Yili Zhao, Kun Song and Yanchen Sun
Historical Analysis of Public Transportation Development in Modern Tianjin

Yanchen Sun, Carola Hein, and Kun Song
Planning Modern Cities in China: Regulations of Concessions in Tianjin (1860-1945)

Room 6 Session 9 (2:00PM-3:45PM)

Panel 60. Sites of Exchange: The Confluence of Global Networks and Local Interests in the Planning of Financial Centres

Chair: Li Hou

Raphael Languillon
The use of high rise buildings in financial centers as real estate companies' massive weapons – the case of Mitsubishi Jisho's strategy through times

Uta Leconte
World Trade Architecture. The Twin Towers and Global Financial Centers.

Sben Korsh
Imperial Sediments: Planning the Urban Land Development of Hong Kong’s Exchange Square (1980-84)
Robert Cowherd

Spatial Operations of Finance in 17th century Batavia and Amsterdam

Room 6: 4 pm

GUHP Wrap-Up Meeting

All GUHP members and GUHP-sponsored panelists are encouraged to attend
