• Saturday, September 26, 2020 -- Time TBA
Open House for all three workshop participants (applicants, mentors, and moderators)
The first event of the workshop series will be a virtual open house where participants from all three themes will have the chance to meet, introduce themselves and their work, and familiarize themselves with the goals and format of the workshop.
• Saturday, October 10, 2020 -- Time TBA
Reading Discussion
Participants of each workshop will meet through a separate video conference to discuss a common foundation reading, relevant to their theme. The discussion will be mediated by the workshop convener. The goal of the discussion will be to promote further familiarity among the workshop participants while exploring relevant thematic, theoretical, and methodological approaches in the emerging field of global urban history.
• Saturday, October 24, 2020 -- Time TBA
Mentors’ Panel
Participants of each workshop will meet through a separate video conference to discuss a pre-circulated, short, published or in-progress text by each of the workshop mentors. Panel discussion will focus on these texts and promote a conversation about the research, writing, and professional challenges and rewards of adopting a global approach to urban history or urban focus to global history.
• Monday, November 2 through Friday, November 6, 2020
Individual mentorship session
Paired applicants and mentors will schedule a one-on-one 60-minute conference call to discuss the participant’s progress on the work that will be submitted to the workshop symposium. Participants will be expected to submit an extended outline or draft of their work to the mentor for feedback a week prior to the scheduled call.
• Saturday, December 5, 2020
Draft Panel Discussion
Each workshop will hold a separate mock symposium where applicants will present a first draft of their work to mentors and peers for feedback and discussion. It will be expected that drafts be shared with other workshop participants by Monday, December 1.
• TBA: Workshop Symposium
To Apply:
Please submit the following information in a single PDF file as an attachment to guhp@globalurbanhistory.org by Tuesday, September 1, 2020:
Name, affiliation, email, main area of research interest, whether applying as a graduate student or early career scholar, first and second choice of workshop theme, title of proposed symposium paper, a 500-800 word abstract, and an updated Curriculum Vitae.
Also: please arrange with an academic advisor to send one letter of recommendation under separate cover to the same email address, guhp@globalurbanhistory.org.
Please feel free to circulate this notice to your networks